Accessing Your Account
Logging In
Access your library account online 24/7 or by calling (817) 459-6900. You must have an Arlington, Kennedale or Mansfield Texas library card and have set up a password/PIN to log in to your account. Need a card? Get one today!
To log in, select "My Library Account" at the top right.
You will be redirected to your account page. Log in using your library card number.
Once you have logged in, you will be able to view your current reserves, lists, items that are checked out, renewals, and fines.
Renew a Library Card
Library cards must be renewed every year. You may do this at any branch or online by presenting a government-issued ID that has a photo and recent proof of your current address. To renew online click this link.
Lost Library Card
For security reasons, the library will need to cancel your old card and issue a new one. Please visit any library branch and present a government-issued ID that has a photo and recent proof of your current address.
Loan Periods
Fifty (50) books may be checked out on a borrower account at one time. Additional limits also apply:
Three-week loan items: Books, Music CDs (10), Audiobooks (10), Kits (10)
Three-week loan items: Movies (all formats) (10)
1 to 3-week-loan items: eBooks and eAudiobooks (8 on Overdrive )
Reserving Items (Holds)
What does reserving an item do?
Reserving an item notifies staff to pull the item, and place it on hold for you. This allows you to quickly pick up an item, without having to search for it. It also allows you to request items from other branches to be delivered to your home branch for pickup. If all copies of an item are currently checked out, placing a hold will reserve your spot in line for the next available copy.
Requests not picked up within four (4) days from notice will be reshelved and your hold will be cancelled. You may cancel your hold at any time during that period online or by phone (817) 459-6900.
Placing a hold online:
Browse our catalog to find an item you would like to place on hold. Once you have found the item you would like, click the "place request" option.
This will take you to the request screen. From here, you can select the branch you would like to pick up your hold from, as well as choose an activation date. The activation date will default to the current date but can also be set to a future date.
You will recieve an email, text, or phone call notification based on your personal commmunication settings.
Renewing Items
Renewals may be done in person, by phone, or online by logging into the appropriate library account. You may also get reminders by text message or email and can set your preferred notification by visiting, calling, or logging in to your account.
In order to make it easier for you to get your items back on time, the Arlington Public Library has started an auto-renewal process. Conditions that would prevent automatic renewals include:
if the item is on a wait list;
if the item has already been given the maximum number of renewals;
you have exceeded the material type loan limit (Mansfield and Kennedale items may have different limits);
you have a balance of $50.00 or more;
your account has expired;
or your account has some other block preventing checkout.
Operations and Service............................................................................................ Charges
Collection fee/long overdue processing....................................................................... $10.00
Community room application fee or hourly rental rate based on room
*Please refer to the Meeting Room Usage Policy for complete details based on room selected.
Computer printouts - 3-D Prints (Minimum charge $1.00)............................................ $0.20 per gram
Computer printouts – B & W......................................................................................... $0.15
Computer printouts – Color.......................................................................................... $0.50
Computer printouts - microfiche................................................................................... $0.25
Computer printouts – plotter printer large format prints............................................... $7.00 per linear foot
Faxing (per page)......................................................................................................... $1.00
Scanning (per page)..................................................................................................... $0.05
GED/ESL materials fee................................................................................................. $25.00 per year
Interlibrary loan postage................................................................................................ $2.00
Passport Processing fee............................................................................................... $35.00
Passport Photo fee........................................................................................................ $15.00
Facility and Meeting Room usage fees .................................................................... Charges
(see Meeting and Study Room Usage Policy for complete guidelines and exceptions)
Branch Community Room Application fee.................................................... $20.00 per request
Downtown Library Room Rental Fees per hour during hours the building is open to the public.
[re]Brary A & B............................................................................................... $70
[re]Brary A...................................................................................................... $35
[re]Brary B...................................................................................................... $35
Catering Alcove.............................................................................................. $11
Resilience Room............................................................................................ $31
Excellence Room........................................................................................... $38
Sun Club Roof Top Gardens.......................................................................... $56
Other rooms may be rented, contact varies
After hours room rental, contact varies
After hours staff fee (2 staff minimum)........................................................... $40 per hour
After hours security officer (3 hour minimum)................................................ $135
Non-Resident............................................................................................................. fee applied annually
Public Access Computer guest pass per session........................................................ $1.00
Non-resident limited services (4 physical items plus digital)........................................ $25.00
Non-resident full services (all items including digital materials and PCs).................... $50.00
Replacement Cost...................................................................................................... Charges Vary
The charge for lost or damaged item from the collection is the actual price paid by the Library for the item as recorded in the Library’s integrated library system (ILS). If an item record does not include the actual price paid by the Library, the “standard replacement cost” will be charged for the item. The standard replacement cost represents the average cost of the type of item borrowed. Borrowers of library materials and equipment may provide replacement items for lost or damaged items subject to approval by library staff. Refunds on items lost and paid for will be made if the item is returned in good condition and within six (6) months of the date of payment. The borrower must present the item to qualify for a refund. Replacement or repair cost for any furniture, fixtures, or facility will be charged. Payment of replacement charges does not transfer ownership of the material to the borrower paying the charges. Lost or damaged items remain the property of the Library.
Paying Fees
Outstanding fees may be paid in person with cash, check, or credit/debit card. There is a $3 minimum for credit card transactions. Accounts are considered in good standing until the patron accrues $50 in fines. Once the balance exceeds $50, the patron will be unable to check out items or use public computers until the account is under the $50 balance.
Change of Address/Renew Library Card
You may change your address online or in person at any branch location. To change your address in person you will need to provide a government-issued ID that has a photo and proof of your current address. Change you address online by completing this form.
You may renew your card online or in person at any library location. To renew your library card you will need a government-issued ID that has a photo and proof of your current address. Renew your account online here.